Friday, August 28, 2009

Farewell (Not!!! Tricked you did I)

so im going on vacation and u think im not ganna be posting cause im too busy Not!!!! even though im going to go on vacation im stiill ganna keep posting so tis blog stays alive!! soo keep coming on to my blog read new things not boring old posts from 2 months ago. other ppl might let u down by not posting but im not!! so keep visiting ppl!!!!

Fall Out Boy

tis is another band on my fav list of songs. tis band is really cool and their videos r really funny lik their music video I Dont Care and Dance Dance. these both r my favs and tis band is cool and another friend of mine mentioned tis band so i checked it out and it waz awesome.if u r rock freak (lik me) i suggest tis another band u should check out

My Chemical Romance

tis band is so far my 3rd best rock band because i think their songs are awesome. my friend got me hooked on tis band wen we were on vacations of my 6 th grade 1st semester listing to music while i was re-shelfing some non-fiction books and i really liked the beat and stuff. if u lik rock or any cool music i suggest u check them out and their songs ok and my fav song is Famous Last Words

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Drowning Pool

i lik the band Drowning Pool a lot and my favorite song is Bodies or Let the Bodies hit the Floor. i`ve heard tis song before but i didn`t know the name of the band but seriously tis song it really awesome and all the other songs by tis band and u should check the band if u lik rock !!

System of a Down

ok, i lik tis band now because one of the ppl dat work in the library let me borrow their MP3 and while i was surfing through their songs i heard the Chop Suey and it was awesome and i started liking the songs from the band and the same person gav me some burned CD`s of their albums and i now officially lik all their songs and u should listen to them if u lik rock and the band is really old but their music is still awesome!!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009


i just finished reading tis book called Going today and it was really cool cause its about this boy was just going to the doctor for a chck up where the jam a little video camera down ur throat to see ur stomach wen they found something really weird in his stomach that was lik electronic but a part of his body and he ran away trying to find out who and wat he was and its really cool if u lik mysteries where their r running away trying to find out something so read it if it sounds good to u.