Friday, October 30, 2009

One time ago..........

i remeber once dat couldnt find something for a research project wen i was looking at the science book and then i looked at the web. i look at the web as a last resource caz sometimes things on the web aint rit so i look at the books first. of course i found the info on the web but i didnt rit everything caz i didnt think it was rit but i still got a passing grade. thats all for today caz my fingers hurt from scool
Bye ppl!!!

Wolf Island By: Darren Shan

so im all most done reading tis book and i hav to tell u it is awesome and the details r really scary and im sure u all know about the movie the Vampire`s Assisaint but thats for another post another time. tis is the same author for the Cirque Du Freak eries and the name of tis series is the Demonta series and it is really good and u should read the author`s books caz they r really good and i recomend the series
Bye Bye ppl!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Midnight Sun

so Midnight Sun is the next book of the twilight series except that its starting over at the beginning of twilight and all the other books (maybe) but from Edward`s point of view. if u go to : ur going to be able to read the first 12 chapters of Midnight Sun because someone was able to steal them from Stephenie Meyer but she didnt want to be un fair so she left them on her website but she isnt going to continue working on it for a while and if u want to read the first 12 chapters click on the ur above

Peace out ppl!!!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Three Days Grace

man tis band is awesome and their songs and freaking awesome man!!my favorite song is Pain their songs r really cool and i heard of tis band wen i was watching videos and i startede watching it and i was impressed because they r awesome . next time i go to a video store im buying one of their albums and if u want to hear some really cool songs find their song Pain caz its cool

Pain, without love

Pain, cant get enough

Pain, lik it rough

cause i rather feel pain then nothin at all


ok so Paramore is one of my new favorite bands because their music is just really cool and i started to lik the band wen i heard their song Decode on the twilight soundtrack and i thought they were really cool and i also liked the song Misery Business and crushcrushcrushcrush and Ignorance and i liked some other songs but i forgot their names but hey, if u want to try a new band i suggest u try tis one cause their music is awesome.

Peace out ppl!!!