Friday, February 26, 2010

Vacations (yeeeeah!!!)

im going on vacations again and uit is awesome caz i get 2 whole months 4 myself and i cant decide wat to do for vacations caz i can do alot of things but its hard to decide. im probably going to go smewhere caz its going to be my birthday during vacations and im going to sleep late and play games and see some friends for a few days but i dont know wat to do after but i will keep blogging so see ya!!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Crocodile Tears

tis is book 8 in the series of Alex Rider series which is about a teenage boy who gets in to MI6 after his uncle died who was a spy like his dad and he has to help them or he gets shipped off to some orphanage and the rest of the books r his missions that he goes to and he is really good and this is a awesome series because it has alot of adventures and action

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cake Wrecks

tis blog is some funny stuff caz it is about some wierd pics on cakes that hav been messed up and some of these r funnyhuh check out this pic

Thursday, February 11, 2010

STORM: The Black Sphere

This book is cool and its the 3rd in a series and these r about so kids that r geniuses and they work better than MI6 and they help ppl and in this book they r going to try and find out y som kid`s dad died in a explosion but the other person was protecte and they were scientists trying to mak cold fusion reality and thats all i got so im out going to finish the book by ppl!!!!!

2010 bloggie awards

the 2010 bloggie awards r messed up caz they on gav awards to some adult bloggers while us teenagers hav no place there. so i check so of them out and they were all lik smart talking and i couldnt understand anything and even the music top blogs were kinda boring but som of them were intresting but not that much so see ya!!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Eyes of Kid Midas

so tis book is about some kid that finds these Shades after he climbs some mountain he finds out that wat ever he imagines, comes true and hes think about revenge on the kids that bullied he but he soon finds out that he is changing the universe caz he keeps making things appear and wat he doesnt know of the danger til it hits him. so read tis book if it sounds cool caz all the books by Neal Shusterman and very cool and very paranormal so bye!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

1000 Awesome Things

man if ur looking for something funny then u should check tis blog

and tis is lik a bunch of posts that tell u about the best 1000 things that r awesome and these r funny and the blog is awesome and u ppl should check it out and i myself hav been racked with fits of silent laughter trying not to disturb the calm clarity of the quiet library. these r funny and just mak sure u arent prone to laughing out loud. bye ppl!!!

Friday, January 29, 2010


i just finishedthe book called Unwind and to be Unwinded it means that u r being seperated it pieces that they give ppl in case of need lik if someone needs a arm then wen u r Unwinded ur hand is given to them and they do that for all ur parts inside or out and they only do this to kids that r really bad and the parents choose this wen the kid turns 13 and if the parents think that the lids is wasting their life lik trouble makers then they fill out the order and this is about some kids that choose not to die and they escape the cops and they fight for the right to liv because who has the right to say who livs and who dies rit?? any way this book is awesome and the other books by the author r awesome and i think u ppl will lik this book so check it out

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Civil War help

So this week im going to tell you about some stuff on the Civil War lik where to find some pics and a bunch of info on the year and the cause and the outcome. So if you go to my school you might notice the Digital Library under the catalog. If you click on it (click) it will give a bunch of websites that i know only half of what they are about. Click on World Book then when that opens up you type up "Civil War" than on the sidebar you`ll find where it says pics and a bunch of pics are shown and if you only want the info then click on any article caz they all hav different info. This is for class and some of u already know tis so good for u and good luck ppl. See ya!!

Friday, January 22, 2010


tis 1 of my favorites and it is really cool and some of my favorite songs r Smells Like Teen Spirit and In Bloom and i think marajunais another cool one and the band is cool caz of its beats and it has some cool songs which r really cool and i think u ppl should check it out if ur intrested and i lik their music. peace ppl!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Teacher help (for class)

if a history teacher asked me to help he/her for help to look for some books on Buddhism then some of the books id help then look for would be Buddhism, Kingdom of the Golden Dragon, and Living Buddhism. These books r some of the books i found and these were only a fiction and 2 non-fiction books but their r still alot of fiction and some DVDs. One DVD would be Histories Ancient Legacies 3. it has Buddhism and other different religions. thats all see ya!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Some help w/ books in diary format (for my class)

some books i know dat r in diary format r Life as we knew it and i think the second book is diary format but if its not then its still good is The Dead and The Gone. Some other 1s r the series of Diary of a Wimpy Kid and the Pendragon series but it has some diary excepts but also the things that r happening to the kids reading them so its lik the kids r reading the diaries and still living their lives. Thats all ppl so see ya!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Devouring

i just got this book called The Devouring and its about some unnatural demonic beings called The Vours.they take control of humans on Sorry Night, the darkest hours of the winter solstice. i just started it so i dont know much but it sounds really good. this is the back, so tell me what u think:

When dark creeps in and eats the light,

Bury your fears on Sorry Night.

For in the winter`s blackest hours

Comes the feasting of the Vours.

No one can see it, the life they stole,
Your body`s here but not your soul...........

Spooky huh, and i think it sounds cool so see ya!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Question

some sixth grader asked me a question but i didnt get his name but this what he aasked me : What are 3 funny books but not long ones ok?? He asked me this caz i work i my scool library and i was there. some really funny books i know r the books of The Far Side and there r alot of them which r some short comics which r really funny and the author even made a DVD where some of his comics got animated and they r really good and anybody reading this should check em out see ya!!