Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hey ppl

sup dudes i just want to say dat good luck to the new service workers at the library and dat i just saw tis blog (if u really lik twilight) by Alice Cullen and Maximum Ride (from the books) has a blog too also Jane from New Moon has a blog too and i think Nudge (from Maximum Ride too) is getting one too here r their websites

Alice Cullen`s: http://www.maxnalice.blogspot.com/

Maximum Ride`s (Max`s): http://alicenmax.blogspot.com/

Jane`s (from the New Moon novel):http://www.vampjaneandalice.blogspot.com/
(Hey Michelle H., if ur looking at tis visit these caz i know u cant resist Max`s but looking at all of them caz theyre all connected.) And if ur a Twilight fan i suggest u look at these blogs caz everybody (Edward, Bella, Alice, Rosalie, Jasper, even Emmett) post things on Alice`s blog so check it out

Peace Out ppl!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Not Cool Whale Whatching Trip

on Labor Day my parents thought, we were near San Pedro Bay, it be cool to go on a little whale whatching bout ride that was 3 hours long!! so much for little:( about after an hour and half i was leaning over the bout rail puking my guts up and let tell u at that moment i thought that was possible. u wanna know y i was leaning over the rail?? it was because one of the attendents told me i couldnt vomitt in the restroom cause then nobody would want to use it. she told me to vomitt in the trash can but i didnt make it . but in the end i did get to see at least 3 whales and a bunch of dolphins:)


ok so im in vacations and thats supposed to be lik awesome but its kinda boring cause u know u can do any thing then ur lik wat do i do since those cool things ive thought aout doing r not so awesome. i`d rather be at scool wit my friends even though its boring cause u cant hav fun by yourself. for some ppl they think theyll play video games all day but then ur fingers hurt and ull get bored even though the game ur playing is a badass game. trust me wen i say but u ppl in scool rit now a freaking luck cause i dont even know where my friends r man!!! let mejust say i envy u