Thursday, September 10, 2009


ok so im in vacations and thats supposed to be lik awesome but its kinda boring cause u know u can do any thing then ur lik wat do i do since those cool things ive thought aout doing r not so awesome. i`d rather be at scool wit my friends even though its boring cause u cant hav fun by yourself. for some ppl they think theyll play video games all day but then ur fingers hurt and ull get bored even though the game ur playing is a badass game. trust me wen i say but u ppl in scool rit now a freaking luck cause i dont even know where my friends r man!!! let mejust say i envy u


  1. well well well i find books on my own that u read but don't dare tell me about them u selfish book worm.:}

  2. Michelle, where were u cause i havent heard from u lately but yes i havent gotten to go to to library since vacation and Ms.Murphy is probaly going to get on mty case for not reading and i got some late books to return and im bored out of my mind and i read all the books i hav got. Oh i got some awesome news, i got a hold of a copy of Temted and wen it comes out they r going to mail it to me so i dont got to wait for more copys or wait in line yes!!! how lucky am i huh!! dont worry wen im done w/ it ill let u borrow it:)
