Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas ( in the flesh (kinda)ppl)

Christmas is finnally here and i lik to say Merry Christmas Everybody!!!!!!!! and im happy caz i get to spend some family time w/ some caz i forgot about (good thing theyre not reading tis caz theyd kill me dude) and its really cool that another year is going by and im still alive to celebrate it. im happy dat everyone is happy that Christmas is here and if ur going away and tis is the last post ur going to be reading on my blog and a happy New Year to u ppl see ya!!!

My Experience (as a Blogger)

my experience as a blogger is pretty much really awesome caz i get to met new ppl and my friends blogs r awesome too. its really cool dat i get to blog wats happening to me these days caz somethings r really cool lik dat im getting a B in math wen i thouhg i was failing. so if u dont hav a blog but ur reading tis i suggest that u get 1 caz it is a awesome experience bye bye ppl!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Social Studies (Renaissance Europe) books

I'm going to recommend some books to any Social Studies teachers reading this (wind blowing). Some fiction books on Renaissance Europe that would be good for some of your students would be :The Apprentice by Molina Llorente. Its about the life of an artist during the Renaissance period. That appears to be all the Renaissance fiction books there are but there are still alot of non-fiction books on that subject and for now bye ppl.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Vampire Kisses

this is a really cool book because its a different vampire series and its lik twilight or anyother vampire-supernatural. its about when a Vampire falls in fovwe for a mortal but i take some time to find the vampire is a vampire and the mortal thinks hes just a fellow goth and its almost lik Twilight but w/ goths and lik dark clothes lik u think a vampire looks lik but not twilight w/ all the indestructible things but these kinda Vampires r allergic to garlic, idk about the sunlight thing cause the vampire sleeps all day, crosses dont hert them, and idk about the whole stake idea caz no stakes r involved. read tis book if u want another taste of vampires different from Twilight See ya!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving is here!!!

today is thanksgiving ppl and u know it. i didn't think the year would pass so far and man its almost Christmas too. today is a day to give thanks and relax and enjoy ppl caz on monday we have to go bac to scool too!! everybody has a different way of celebrating but its just Thanksgiving and i gots to go ppl!! everybody Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

American History help (tis is for class)

If a teacher asks me to find a CD on American History after they finished a unit I`d go to the library catalog and look up on that subject and only look for the DVDR types only. I came up with a movie on the revolutionary war, world war 2, and a informational movie on American History. Thats it. See ya!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Helping ppl w/ stuff (i can help to u know)

so I'm saying if a librarian (IF) asks me to help them w/ something to do w/ ancient Egyptians how they made they're dead i would lead them to a book or if there isn't one to Britanic (a good history info engine) and if those actions r not available i would lead them to a person w/ better info then me caz i would hav no more sources to giv. i would help a person find something until i run out of options then ask another person to tak in from there.

Peace out ppl!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

To Kill a Mockingbird

i just finished reading To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. it was a good book and i was suprised wen i finished it becaz it was good. it was wen Africans were stillbeing making a fun of and it took place in Alabama. the only reason i was reading it was caz our teacher was making us read it as a class but it was good and i read ahead and now i finished it. i recommoned it if u want to read about Alabama, bac then, how to not judge ppl by their cover and it was sad.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Social Studies Reseach ( i find no use of it but just a big headache)

so once i had to research some things for my culminating task in sixth grade and boy did it tak me alot of research to find some things w/ no thins attached. to find everythingi had to use all of my sources of information as my new english teacher says caz i had to find alot of places, ppl, and events to complete a turn-inable assigment. i used the history books, internet, teacher`s advice, and my parents part of the information as in wat they remember from history yrs ago. in the end i found out that i was sore from the hard work and keep remembering some things from the research that i wanted to forget but couldnt caz i keep thinking "I would if she`s going to giv a test about tis" but im glad about getting a good grade but not so good for worrying about my grade while she graded all of them huh

Bye ppl!!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

White Stripes

tis is another band that sounds cool caz the song thats cool is called "The Hardest Button to Button" tis song is cool caz the band haz alot of beat thats cool. u know that the band, which is a Duo, came out in the simpsons in a episode animated and it waz the first time i heard them. its funny wen things lik that happen Bye ppl!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

My way of Info

so i know most ppl , to get info, go to google and stuff to learn about things that just happened anywhere over the world. let me say that google and bing bong or wat ever r not good sources of information caz sometimes they leave little details out belive me or not lik number of dead if its a massacre of other bits of info that might be important to us or other ppl u know. me, i will look at either newspaper ( if i hav time) of watch the news sometimes or the radio. sometimes the Internet might get something wrong so we hav to stop depending on the Internet that much caz sooner or later its going to collapse and we r going to be whining that we cant get things done without the internet. so think about wat i said ppl

Peace out ppl!!!

Hunger by: Michael Grant

so u all kno dat i did a post on Gone by the same author and tis book Hunger is the second book where that kids hav defeated Caine for the time being but theyre facing new problems lik food shortedge and they r lik "Im so hungry" and they r trying to pass equal amounts of food wen the Darkness has plans of its own for domenating all the ppl of the FAYZ. if u lik survival books tis series is really good and the eding is a cliff hanger

Peace out ppl!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

One time ago..........

i remeber once dat couldnt find something for a research project wen i was looking at the science book and then i looked at the web. i look at the web as a last resource caz sometimes things on the web aint rit so i look at the books first. of course i found the info on the web but i didnt rit everything caz i didnt think it was rit but i still got a passing grade. thats all for today caz my fingers hurt from scool
Bye ppl!!!

Wolf Island By: Darren Shan

so im all most done reading tis book and i hav to tell u it is awesome and the details r really scary and im sure u all know about the movie the Vampire`s Assisaint but thats for another post another time. tis is the same author for the Cirque Du Freak eries and the name of tis series is the Demonta series and it is really good and u should read the author`s books caz they r really good and i recomend the series
Bye Bye ppl!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Midnight Sun

so Midnight Sun is the next book of the twilight series except that its starting over at the beginning of twilight and all the other books (maybe) but from Edward`s point of view. if u go to : ur going to be able to read the first 12 chapters of Midnight Sun because someone was able to steal them from Stephenie Meyer but she didnt want to be un fair so she left them on her website but she isnt going to continue working on it for a while and if u want to read the first 12 chapters click on the ur above

Peace out ppl!!!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Three Days Grace

man tis band is awesome and their songs and freaking awesome man!!my favorite song is Pain their songs r really cool and i heard of tis band wen i was watching videos and i startede watching it and i was impressed because they r awesome . next time i go to a video store im buying one of their albums and if u want to hear some really cool songs find their song Pain caz its cool

Pain, without love

Pain, cant get enough

Pain, lik it rough

cause i rather feel pain then nothin at all


ok so Paramore is one of my new favorite bands because their music is just really cool and i started to lik the band wen i heard their song Decode on the twilight soundtrack and i thought they were really cool and i also liked the song Misery Business and crushcrushcrushcrush and Ignorance and i liked some other songs but i forgot their names but hey, if u want to try a new band i suggest u try tis one cause their music is awesome.

Peace out ppl!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hey ppl

sup dudes i just want to say dat good luck to the new service workers at the library and dat i just saw tis blog (if u really lik twilight) by Alice Cullen and Maximum Ride (from the books) has a blog too also Jane from New Moon has a blog too and i think Nudge (from Maximum Ride too) is getting one too here r their websites

Alice Cullen`s:

Maximum Ride`s (Max`s):

Jane`s (from the New Moon novel):
(Hey Michelle H., if ur looking at tis visit these caz i know u cant resist Max`s but looking at all of them caz theyre all connected.) And if ur a Twilight fan i suggest u look at these blogs caz everybody (Edward, Bella, Alice, Rosalie, Jasper, even Emmett) post things on Alice`s blog so check it out

Peace Out ppl!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Not Cool Whale Whatching Trip

on Labor Day my parents thought, we were near San Pedro Bay, it be cool to go on a little whale whatching bout ride that was 3 hours long!! so much for little:( about after an hour and half i was leaning over the bout rail puking my guts up and let tell u at that moment i thought that was possible. u wanna know y i was leaning over the rail?? it was because one of the attendents told me i couldnt vomitt in the restroom cause then nobody would want to use it. she told me to vomitt in the trash can but i didnt make it . but in the end i did get to see at least 3 whales and a bunch of dolphins:)


ok so im in vacations and thats supposed to be lik awesome but its kinda boring cause u know u can do any thing then ur lik wat do i do since those cool things ive thought aout doing r not so awesome. i`d rather be at scool wit my friends even though its boring cause u cant hav fun by yourself. for some ppl they think theyll play video games all day but then ur fingers hurt and ull get bored even though the game ur playing is a badass game. trust me wen i say but u ppl in scool rit now a freaking luck cause i dont even know where my friends r man!!! let mejust say i envy u

Friday, August 28, 2009

Farewell (Not!!! Tricked you did I)

so im going on vacation and u think im not ganna be posting cause im too busy Not!!!! even though im going to go on vacation im stiill ganna keep posting so tis blog stays alive!! soo keep coming on to my blog read new things not boring old posts from 2 months ago. other ppl might let u down by not posting but im not!! so keep visiting ppl!!!!

Fall Out Boy

tis is another band on my fav list of songs. tis band is really cool and their videos r really funny lik their music video I Dont Care and Dance Dance. these both r my favs and tis band is cool and another friend of mine mentioned tis band so i checked it out and it waz awesome.if u r rock freak (lik me) i suggest tis another band u should check out

My Chemical Romance

tis band is so far my 3rd best rock band because i think their songs are awesome. my friend got me hooked on tis band wen we were on vacations of my 6 th grade 1st semester listing to music while i was re-shelfing some non-fiction books and i really liked the beat and stuff. if u lik rock or any cool music i suggest u check them out and their songs ok and my fav song is Famous Last Words

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Drowning Pool

i lik the band Drowning Pool a lot and my favorite song is Bodies or Let the Bodies hit the Floor. i`ve heard tis song before but i didn`t know the name of the band but seriously tis song it really awesome and all the other songs by tis band and u should check the band if u lik rock !!

System of a Down

ok, i lik tis band now because one of the ppl dat work in the library let me borrow their MP3 and while i was surfing through their songs i heard the Chop Suey and it was awesome and i started liking the songs from the band and the same person gav me some burned CD`s of their albums and i now officially lik all their songs and u should listen to them if u lik rock and the band is really old but their music is still awesome!!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009


i just finished reading tis book called Going today and it was really cool cause its about this boy was just going to the doctor for a chck up where the jam a little video camera down ur throat to see ur stomach wen they found something really weird in his stomach that was lik electronic but a part of his body and he ran away trying to find out who and wat he was and its really cool if u lik mysteries where their r running away trying to find out something so read it if it sounds good to u.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Alfred Kropp : Review

so i read tis really cool book that u ppl might lik because its about tis person that goes on this really cool adventure that he has to find the Sword of Kings or Excalibur which is King Arthur`s sword from god and tis really bad ppl r trying to get it to sell it which alot of ppl will try to get it and i think u will lik it because its full of action and really cool surprises so read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Little Brother:Review

so i read tis book called Little Brother and man, it was its about tis group of kids that r basically troublemakers that i think because one of them is super smart wen it comes to hacking school things or doing something illegal with technology and a terrorist suddenly attacks and Homeland Security thinks its them and then ppl start using much more security then necessery wen the attack passes and start getting crazy with the security and its up to them to put things bac in order . i recommend tis book if u lik adventure or cool technology.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Code Orange

so i read diz book called code orange and its about this boy that is really smart only lazy and for his project he researches small pox and while looking for small pox info he comes about a letter of small pox scabs but he doesnt know in till later and some ppl r trying to get with or without hes permission and he needs to keep them out of the wrong hands and i recommened diz book if u lik diseases or adventure so read it all ready!!

Gone by Michael Grant

ok so i read a book called gone by michael grant tiz week and it waz awesome.ok so it is about wat a bunch of kidz did in order to survive wen everyone over or is or is just turned on their b-days 15 justed poofed or dissapeared of the city dat they lived in somewhere in california and all the grown ups r gone. then some of the kids start getting some super gifts dat they dont read tiz book if u lik some survival books or adventure or some down rit cool stuff ok so wen i say tiz i mean rit now ppl!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

House of Night Book 5:Hunted

ok so i read book five of the series house of night and i waz amazed cause of the whole fallen angel stuff cause it sounds cool and it waz freaky because of the powers he used to tak over the House of Night.tis books is about vampyes but these vampyes r a different type of species of vampyes that worship the goddes of night Nyx.but still humans r wary of these vampyes lik they`re some kind of disese.tis books is about wat Zoey Redbird does to try and defeat the fallen angel : Kalona. soo read tis book if u lik stories about vampyes an the author is P.C. Cast. soo go to ur library and check tis book out ppl!!